The stained glass windows in our sanctuary (built in 1986) portray our Lord as the Good Shepherd. Each window has a separate theme based on scripture passages describing the love Jesus has for His sheep.
The themes and ideas for each window were originally developed by our then pastor Richard Ziehr. Cecil Casebier of San Antonio, Texas, and artist with an international reputation in stained glass, was commissioned to do the design. The windows were crafted by Statesville Glass of Statesville, North Carolina using European antique glass.
The windows (1-3) on the left side (lector) are generally based on the Old Testament and those (4-6)on the right side (pulpit) on the New Testament. The art work is abstract and symbolic.
Chi Rho
Chi Rho is an ancient symbol for Christ based on the first two letters of Greek word for Christ (X and P). The Chi Rho also represents the Shepherd's Crook. The lambs in the corners of the window look up to the Shepherd in adoration. The design is based on art work by Jeff Johnson, a son of the congregation.
In a world which is often, gray and muted, these windows which turn "daylight into doxology" will be a reminder of the glorious presence of our Lord and glowing brilliance of His love.

Window 1 - far left (lector side)
Psalm 23: "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want."
Green pastures and still waters are shown in panels 1 and 2 at the bottom of the window. The pitcher with the letters 01, one above the other, in panel 2 is a symbol for anointing with oil. The flame of life which is fed and strengthened by oil is seen in panels 2 and 3.
Window 2 - middle left
Ezekiel 24: "I myself will be the Shepherd of My sheep ... and I will feed them. "
Feeding through Word and Sacrament is depicted in this window. The book with the Alpha (A) and Omega (0) and the flame of the Holy Spirit in panel 3 represents God's Word. The Lord's Supper is represented by the Chalice in panels 1 and 2 and the Wheat in panels 3 and 4. The Water of Life is seen pouring from the dove-shaped Baptismal shell in panels 1 and 2.
Comfort and Leading
Window 3 - front left
Psalm 23: "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil; for Thou art with me, Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me. "
The Shepherd, holding His staff, along with His sheep, are portrayed in panels 1, 2, and 3. The colors of the window are dark near the bottom, symbolizing the valley of shadows, and become lighter at the top to indicate the path through the valley.

Death and Resurrection
Window 4 - front right (pulpit side)
John 10: "The Good Shepherd lays down His life ... and has power to take it again."
The crucifixion is shown in the bottom three panels. The banner of victory in panels 4 and 5 represents our Shepherd's victory over death.
Rejoicing and Welcoming the Lost
Window 5 - middle right
Luke 15: "There will be joy in heaven over one sinner who repents."
Figures of many nationalities are shown rejoicing, some with arms lifted in praise, in the bottom three panels. A figure with a horn and one person helping another can be found in panels 2 and 3. The Holy Spirit, Who calls the lost by the Gospel, is portrayed by a dove in the top two panels.
The Lost and the Saved
Window 6 - far right
Matthew 4 and 25: "Come, follow Me" and Jesus' coming again on Judgment Day.
The Risen Christ, symbolized by the crown in panel 4, reaches out His hand of invitation (panels 3 and 4). The fish net in panels 1 and 2 gathers fish of every kind which will be sorted at the close of the age (Matthew 13). On the Lord's left side (our right) are the eternal flames of judgment (panels 1 and 2) and on His right side (our left) are the bright golden colors of heaven (panels 3 and 4).