Fingers and Toes
A message from an unborn 10 week old child.
I have all my fingers, I have all my toes
Just look at me, I’m only 10 weeks old.
If you keep me I promise to be good
And I will help you get through to motherhood.
Jesus loves me, so please don’t throw me away.
And when I’m born, twill be a beautiful day.
You can hug me and squeeze me and do all that stuff
And we can comfort each other when the going gets tough.
So think carefully mommies and poppies too
My life at this point is all up to you.
Good Shepherd's Life Team (Lutherans For Life)
We are rescued people, redeemed by the blood of Christ and motivated by gratitude, who wish to partner with our congregation and community as Gospel-driven champions of life.
Speaking the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15) is easier said than done. We live in a time when abortion is called a “right” and a “choice,” when assisted suicide is called “compassion,” when sex outside of marriage is called “natural” and “safe.” It is a time when gender ideology has it that the genders are interchangeable and misgendering someone is called “hate speech.” Our intent is to counter these lies in love with the truth of God’s Word.