Member Information Form
Editable PDF form.
Download, fill out, save, then email completed form to the
Church Office.
4.0 Membership:
Baptized members are all who have been baptized in the name of the Triune God and who are under the spiritual care of Good Shepherd congregation.
Confirmed members are baptized members who have received formal Christian instruction, as outlined in Luther’s Small Catechism and have found those teachings to agree with the Scriptures (which is the written Word of God and the only rule and norm of faith and of practice).
Facilities Usage Form
Editable PDF Form
1. Priority is given to Church members, their immediate families, and organized groups that are part of the ministry, organization, or sponsored activities of the Church.
2. The facilities may be used by civic and service organizations and those groups whose primary purpose is to provide a service in our community and not solely for the production of a profit.
3. The schedule for use is maintained in the Church office. Change in scheduling must be approved by the office.
Funeral Planning
Editable Form
We are assured of eternal life by grace through faith in Christ Jesus. It is inevitable that the day will come when our friends and family will attend our funeral. This form is intended to serve as a guide for your family to plan your funeral. This is not a legal or binding document, but reflect your witness of faith and hope in Christ.
Key Request Form
Editable PDF Form.
Use the key(s) under the following guidelines:
1. Return key(s) to Church Office when no longer needed, and I will not give the key(s) to anyone else.
2. Do not or allow anyone else to make any duplicates of the key(s). (All needed keys will be supplied and a record kept by the Board of Church Properties through the Church Office.)
3. Be responsible for securing the building(s) upon leaving.
4. Notify the Director of the Board of Church Properties if a key is lost.
Form need for to issue you a key(s).