Sunday School, Spiritual Gifts
A course about spiritual gifts-given for the sake of the ministries in the Church. "God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another" (1Peter 4:10). Meets in the Cafe with Pastor Klemme.
Youth Sunday School (The Book of Exodus)
The Book of Exodus begins where Genesis leaves off as God deals with His chosen people. It traces the events from the time Israel entered Egypt as guests of Joseph until they were eventually living under the cruel bondage of slavery.
For more information contact Curtis.
Sunday School, Chosen
The Chosen is NOT the Bible nor does it seek to be or replace reading and studying the Bible. The Chosen is based on the Gospels; some locations and timelines have been combined or condensed. Back stories and characters or dialogue have been added. However, all biblical and historical content and artistic imagination, they say, is intended to uplift Scripture. This study will compare the adaptation with Scripture.
Meets in the Fellowship Hall.
Tom Cox.
Monday Night Bible Study
The book of Revelation starts with a warning to churches scattered throughout the known world at that time; and follows a general theme, emphasizing that the ‘end of days’ is near and that the church must be prepared for the events that are to come. It has both present and future implications for the Christian Church. Meets in the Cafe with Pastor Klemme
Women's Bible Study
Some may have fears about stepping into a small-group environment. Fear of rejection and fear of vulnerability are two that can seem like giants standing in the way of what may be the best thing for us. But involvement in a small group could be God’s prescribed antidote for the loneliness that stalks us in this fast-paced, impersonal world.
For more information contact Alice
Life Team
Abortion and euthanasia aim to avoid disabilities by eliminating the persons who have them. The Christian community, on the other hand, regards persons with disabilities as reasons for rejoicing. Even the most fragile human bodies testify to the goodness of the God who created and sustains them (2 Corinthians 4:7-11). Let us declare and demonstrate how the life of Jesus manifests in every neighbor!

Middle of the Week Bible Study
Haggai is the first prophet after the Babylonian captivity and the 10th of the minor prophets. Minor only in the length of their writings, not in their message. This book illustrates the problem of focusing on self-serving priorities to the neglect of God's priorities. It also shows how God rallied this community of faith to accomplish and important work, which united them in hearing God's Word.
Middle of the Week Bible Study
Zephaniah had the courage to speak bluntly. God is gracious and compassionate, but when all His warnings are ignored, judgment is to be expected. The inevitability of the punishment of wickedness gives comfort in a time when it seems that evil is unbridled and victorious. God does not forget those who are faithful to Him.
Middle of the Week Bible Study
Jonah’s fear and pride cause him to run from God. He does not wish to go to Nineveh to preach repentance because he feels they are they are worthy of destruction. The first half of the book is familiar to us, the second half, not so much. Meets in the Cafe.
Middle of the Week Bible Study
The book of Amos is a collection of prophetic messages delivered by the prophet Amos. Most of Amos’s messages are announcements of God’s anger with and impending judgment on faithlessness. Amos is critical of worship life, which has deteriorated to rote ritual observance disconnected from daily life. The prophet draws on both on history and moral/legal tradition to support his condemnations of our actions.
Middle of the Week Bible Study
The book of Joel is a short collection of prophetic poems that are both powerful and puzzling. The book contains no references to datable historical events, it could have been written in the days of the Assyrian conquest of the Northern Kingdom or after the Babylonian captivity. The Disciple Peter quotes Joel in his Pentecost sermon (Acts 2). The Apostle Paul quotes Joel in his letter to the Romans. Joel himself reflects on the scriptures of his time to helped him to make sense of the tragedies of his day and gave him hope for the future. Meets in the Library.
Middle of the Week Bible Study
The Book of Hosea
The Minor Prophets are not called minor because they are unimportant or that their messages are minor but because of the size of their books. Symbolic interpretation of numbers has little place in a sound system of understanding the Bible but it is interesting that there are twelve prophets. The number twelve in is sometimes associated with governmental perfection or rule, sometimes it is symbolic of God’s chosen people, and sometimes it is connected to God’s elective purposes. Meets in the Library.
Middle of the Week Bible Study
The Book of Habakkuk
Among the prophetic writings, Habakkuk is somewhat unique in that it includes no oracle addressed to Israel. It contains, rather, a dialogue between the prophet and God. In the first two chapters, Habakkuk argues with God over his ways that appear to him unfathomable, if not unjust. Meets in the Library

Life Team Training
Speaking the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15) is easier said than done. We live in a time when abortion is called a “right” and a “choice,” when assisted suicide is called “compassion,” when sex outside of marriage is called “natural” and “safe.” We are meeting together to figure out how we can counter these lies in love with the truth of God’s Word.
A Seminar on Heaven
Everyone wonders what Heaven will be like. There is no end to the confusion people have about what it will be like. Scripture does provide answers to people's questions. This class will explore where we learn our ideas about heaven and compares those conceptions against what Scripture says.
Handouts for your reference:
Barbara Walters | Heaven Timeline | Additional Bible Passages | Modes of Eternal Life | What Happens when I Die? |
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