Good Shepherd Lutheran began as a mission start by Our Savior Lutheran, Crestview. The first service (attendance 17) - the first Lutheran service in the Fort Walton Beach area - was held on May 29, 1955 with Reverend William P. Kniffel presiding. Five months later, in October of 1955, the first Lutheran Sunday School (attendance 19) started in Fort Walton Beach.
Christmas Tree Chrismons Our Christmas Trees have decorations called Chrismons (CHRIST = MONogram) that that proclaim our Lord Jesus Christ through the use of symbols. The Chrismons Tree originated at Lutheran Church of the Ascension in Danville, VA in 1957. They hold the copyright on the word "chrismons".
65th Anniversary
Thank you Pastor Ziehr and his family in our celebration of Good Shepherd's 65th Anniversary of ministry. Thank you to those who worked the reception in the Fellowship Hall. The pictorial presentation of our history that was shown during the Educational Hour is available online through our website.
Reformation 2022
The Reformation commemorates the rescue of the Gospel (Faith alone, Grace alone, Christ alone) from a corrupt medieval church. The catalyst for the reformation was the Oct 31, 1517 posting on the door of the Wittenberg Church a disputation protesting clerical abuses and the sale of forgiveness.
Act 1 - John Tetzel selling indulgences
Act 2 - Martin Luther posts his 95 Theses
Act 3 - Diet of Worms
Previous years:
Y2020 | Y2021 | Y2022 |
2/11/2022 9:08:16 AM
Carpet Color
Children's Message on why the carpet color is green.
A member's Feedback: So, you think the church carpet is green? It is more aqua. Actually, it is sea foam.
We never discussed what it represented when we picked it out (1985). Sandy Reddenbacher, an interior designer, picked a dark red and the sea foam. They were in the old narthex for people to look at and vote. People picked the sea foam which sort of represents the gulf and our area.
Plant Age
Building Roofs | |
Item | Year |
Education | 2004 |
Fellowship (Flat) | 2016 |
Fellowship (Gable) | 2021 |
Sanctuary | 2023 |
Education Building (1998) | |
Item | Year |
Cafe` | 2015 |
Carpet | 2013 |
Flagpoll | 2013 |
HVAC | 2010 |
Office Move | 2020 |
Playground Mulch | 2013 |
Youth Room Home | 2012 |
Fellowship Hall (1958) | |
Item | Year |
Carpet | 2024 |
HVAC | 2015 |
Large Screen TV | 2017|2022 |
Library Move | 2015 |
Live Stream | 2021 |
Mold Remediation | 2020 |
Sound Upgrade | 2011 |
Sanctuary Building (1986) | |
Item | Year |
Carpet | 2011 |
Cry Room and Narthex Speakers | 2018 |
HVAC | 2012 |
HVAC (Bride's Room) | 2024 |
Live Stream | 2020 |
Narthex Expansion | 2007 |
Nursery Refurbishment | 2018 |
Nursery/Chapel/Bell Shuffle | 2012 |
Organ Replacement | 2019 |
Pew Refurbishment | 2010 |
Projectors/Screens | 2016 |
Sound Upgrade | 2010 |
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