Constitution and By Laws
The Word of God requires that a Christian congregation shall conform to this Divine Word in doctrine and practice (Matthew 28:18-20; Galatians 1:6-8; 2 Timothy 4:1-5), and that all things be done decently and in order (1Corinthians 14:40). Therefore we, the members of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, accept and subscribe to the following Constitution and Bylaws, in accordance with which all spiritual and material affairs of our congregation shall be governed.
Guidelines for Officers and Boards
The purpose of these Guidelines is to outline the assigned duties and areas of responsibilities for church officers, standing Boards, and other positions of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. In general, these Guidelines are to be used to help us understand how we have organized ourselves to move forward with the mission of the Church. The Voters Assembly can and does assign specific tasks to accomplish which may need inclusion into these Guidelines. When changes in this document are necessary, those affected should review these Guidelines and request appropriate changes of the Church Council.
Acolyte Guide
Thank you for serving! Being an acolyte is an important role and not a cute errand or trivial task. As an acolyte you are one of the worship leaders. The Pastor is in charge of the Worship Service so he has the prerogative to tell you to deviate from these instructions.
Family Life Minister Curtis.
Altar Guild Guide
Altar Guild - 2015 Communion Setup / Cleanup Duties.
Ann Lienemann
Elder In Charge Guide
- ELDERS: Determine if other Elders are present; coord with them for any issues or special requirements; request help to retrieve offering at the end of the service
- USHERS: Cross-check with ushers for any specific issues or requirements
- SCRIPTURE READINGS: Ensure the Scripture readings for the service are posted on the Lectern
- ACOLYTE: Ensure that the scheduled acolyte has arrived; assist with his/her robing as needed; if no one shows up (should be there no later than 10 minutes prior to service), either find another one of our trained acolytes to cover the duty, or ask Curtis to do so. If no acolyte is in attendance, be prepared to perform the duty yourself.
- PASTOR: Meet with the Pastor as soon as he is available; determine if he has any taskings for you to address.
Facilities Usage Guide
The church’s facilities were provided through God’s benevolence and by the sacrificial generosity of church members. The church desires that its facilities be used for the fellowship of the Body of Christ and to bring God glory. Although the facilities are not generally open to the public, we make our facilities available to approved non-members as a witness to our faith, in a spirit of Christian charity, and as a means of demonstrating the Gospel of Jesus Christ in practice. These policies apply to members and non-members alike, in keeping with our congregation’s beliefs and practices.
Darrell Bittle.
Finance Committee Guide
The Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Constitution requires the President of the congregation establish a Finance Committee and states that the Vice President will serve as the Finance Committee Chairman. Accordingly, the committee has developed the following Policies and Procedures as a common reference source. The policies and procedures that follow are intended to be a statement of general guidance or philosophy to enable people unfamiliar with the tasks to approach and complete them. At all times we should be guided by the phrase, in accordance with practices generally employed in view of the existing circumstances.
Sound & Screen Guide
Computer instructions for starting up the Kiosk computer.
These are a bit out of date to current procedures but in a pinch they will work.
Family Life Minister Curtis.
Teacher Guide
1. Enjoy being a teacher
2. Be an example
3. Be prepared
4. Promote the purses of the Christian Education Ministry
5. Be on time
6. Teach proper doctrine
7. Use a variety of methods
8. Keep rooms neat and clean
9. Communicate
10. Contact substitute when necessary
Family Life Minister Curtis
Plant Age
Building Roofs | |
Item | Year |
Education | 2004 |
Fellowship (Flat) | 2016 |
Fellowship (Gable) | 2021 |
Sanctuary | 2023 |
Education Building (1998) | |
Item | Year |
Cafe` | 2015 |
Carpet | 2013 |
Flagpoll | 2013 |
HVAC | 2010 |
Office Move | 2020 |
Playground Mulch | 2013 |
Youth Room Home | 2012 |
Fellowship Hall (1958) | |
Item | Year |
Carpet | 2024 |
HVAC | 2015 |
Large Screen TV | 2017|2022 |
Library Move | 2015 |
Live Stream | 2021 |
Mold Remediation | 2020 |
Sound Upgrade | 2011 |
Sanctuary Building (1986) | |
Item | Year |
Carpet | 2011 |
Cry Room and Narthex Speakers | 2018 |
HVAC | 2012 |
HVAC (Bride's Room) | 2024 |
Live Stream | 2020 |
Narthex Expansion | 2007 |
Nursery Refurbishment | 2018 |
Nursery/Chapel/Bell Shuffle | 2012 |
Organ Replacement | 2019 |
Pew Refurbishment | 2010 |
Projectors/Screens | 2016 |
Sound Upgrade | 2010 |
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