
- Apocalyptic Literature: writing that is highly symbolic
- Homologoumena: Books of the Bible universally recognized as inspired
- Antilegomena: Books of the Bible not universally accepted as inspired
• No church teaching can originate from an Antilegomena book.
-Writer (God is the author) traditionally identified as John the Apostle
- Date Written
• Latest: Reign of Emperor Domitian (81-91 AD)
• Earliest: Reign of Emperor Nero (54-68 AD)
- End of World Views:
• Amillennialism; All the conditions of Christ's 2nd advent have been met. (1Thessalonians 5:2)
• Dispensationalism; A literal view of all descriptions in Revelation as a straight line chronology
• Premillennialism; Christ's 2nd advent will be a one-stage event after the tribulation
• Postmillennium; The world gradually becomes Christianized, resulting in peace and prosperity
- Fear not for we live in Grace and in Peace from God.
- God is one in Trinity (Athanasian Creed)
- Christ must be the content of the Christian testimony
• God’s Word brings light into darkness
• Individually and as a church we are to reflect that light
- We experience time linearity; Time itself is part of creation
- Description of Christ:
• Fully divine and fully human
• Son of Man - Spokesman for God, the one God has chosen
• White Hair - Wisdom & dignity
• Eyes of fire - Intensity with focus
• Brass feet - Strong & resilient
• Rushing Water - Active & living
• Two-edge sword - Speaks the Word of God
• Sun - Holy & righteous
Revelation 2 Part 1
- The Angel of the Church views (Messenger from God):
• A literal heavenly being
• Figurative reference to the character of the churches
• Head of the congregations
- Nicolatians - Greek goddess Diana Nemorensis (fertility diety)
- Balaam (Balak) - idol worship and adultery.
- Letter 1 (Ephesus)
• Christ is the center and focus of the Church; Scripture is the rule and norm of life
• Beware of false prophets and false religions
- Letter 2 (Smyrna)
• Christ who over came death; Fear not, persecutions are limited by God
• Warning: Remain faithful even under persecution
• Martyrdom of Polycarp (156 AD) burned alive.
- Letter 3 (Pergamon)
• Christ is alive and active (Hebrews 4:12); Live out your God given faith; Be imitators of the saints
• Warning: Hypocrisy, idolatry, and immorality
• Martyrdom of Antipas (90 AD) ordered by the state to return to paganism burned alive in a brazen bull.
Revelation 2 Part 2 & Revelation 3 Part 1
Letter 4 (Thyatira) [Corrupt Church]
- Christ is focused and resilient; Hold fast to faith in Christ
- Warning:
• Jezebel - An evil manipulator and temptress; false prophet proposing a false faith
• Stop tolerating unholy things. Only God makes things Holy
- Morning Star - The First; Satan the first of the fallen angels; Christ the first of the Resurrected
Letter 5 (Sardis) [Dead Church]
- God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, God the Father: Alive and active in our lives
• Seven = Completeness
• Spirits = The Holy Spirit (Isaiah 11:2)
• • Works of the Holy Spirit: Creates Faith, Guards Faith, Makes me Holy
• Stars = God alive and active
• • Works of God the Father: Creates “stuff”; Provides “stuff”; Guards me
- Grace
• Cheap Grace - Grace that does not change. Grace that we use to justify our sin
• Costly Grace - Costly by the shedding of Christ’s blood. Grace that changes us.
- Faith
• Good works are those done in faith, not in the adherence to rituals (works)
• The righteous comes by faith cloths us; it is a righteousness that comes from Christ; By faith our names are in the book of life
• Take ownership of your God given faith; Live as a child of God
Revelation 3 Part 2
- Letter 6 (Philadelphia) [Faithful Church]
• Jesus is the way; is the truth; is the life (John 14:6)
• Faith is the open door
• The Holy Spirit calls us by the Gospel, enlightens us with His gifts, sanctifies, and keeps us in the true faith (3rd Article)
- Letter 7 (Laodicea) [Lukewarm Church]
• Jesus is the Truth; Is True God, not made (John 1:1-3)
• Hot=faith; Cold=unbelief; Lukewarm is not hot (Matthew 12:30)
• Refine gold = genuine faith; White garments = alien righteousness; Eye salve = Holy Spirit working through the Means of Grace.
• Unbelief shuts the door
• Warning: Worldly treasures does not save
- Very strong connections with Isaiah and Ezekiel
- “In the Spirit” - The Holy Spirit (John 14:26; John 16:12-13; 2Peter 1:21)
- Gems
• Holiness; Justice; Hope
• All encompassing/gloriousness
- 24 Elders - All believers of the Old and New Testament (the whole church)
• Old Testament saved on what was to come
• New Testament saved on what has come
• Complete dependence upon God
- White Garments - Holiness/Royalty (1Peter 2:9)
- Lightning - Awesomeness; Powerful; Active; Alive; Word of God = Life
- 7 Torches = The Holy Spirit - Completeness; Eternal (Isaiah 11:1-5)
- Glass - God's Glory/Rule - Calm; Glory; Beauty; Transparent; Deep
- 4 Creatures - Evangelism; The sending of a messenger to a nation of rebels (Ezekiel 1 -2)
• Lion - Fearless in teaching
• Ox - Hard working
• Man - (Son of Man) - Spokesman for God, the one God as chosen (See Key Learnings Revelation 1)
• Eagle - Tireless
- Scroll & Seals : Salvation wholly dependent on God (From His right hand)
- Salvation proclaimed for all but provided only by God
- Only God can make Himself known
- The Church is to provide comfort with God’s salvation with God’s Word
- The Lamb (Christ) is at the center of our salvation
- Seven Horns : Complete power
- Seven Eyes : Holy Spirit sent into the world
- Heaven & the Church are celebrating for Christ brings salvation
- The Lamb reveals and implements God’s plans
- The four horsemen - given their authority; Hell follows to swallows up victims
• White horse - Tyranny: domination through fear and exploitation
• Red horse - Bloodshed: divine judgement
• Black horse - Famine: economic ruin
• Pale horse - Death: illness
- The 5th Seal; Virtues: patience and trust in God
- The 6th Seal: Judgement: God’s absolute power and majesty
- Who are the heavenly creatures that are speak? Why only 3 out of 4 from the previous chapters? Why aren't they more clearly identified if they are the Lion, Ox, Man, Eagle?
There were some divergent views on the meaning of the text within the class.
- All of creation is affected.
- 144,000 : Symbolic number for all believers in Christ
• Representative of God desire for all to be saved. (1Timothy 2:4; Ezekiel 18:32)
• Seal - Marked as believers in Christ. (1Peter 3:21; 2Timothy 2:19 Ezekiel 9:4)
- That odd list of the twelve tribes
• Dan (Not Listed) (Genesis 49:16-18; Judges 18) Early Church fathers suggested that the Antichrist will come from the tribe of Dan
• Ephraim (Not Listed) often used to describe unfaithfulness (Hosea 5:3; Hosea 6:10 …)
• Judah is listed first because of Christ (Romans 1:16; 1Corinthians 9:20;
• Twelve tribes includes all believers in Christ (Romans 9:6-8)
- Great Multitude; A celebration of all believers who are now clothed in Christ’s righteousness
- Great tribulation
• Tribulations of all ages (Acts 14:22; Isaiah 1:16; Hebrews 12:1-3; 1Corinthians 9:25)
• Literally a future event?
The 7th Seal : Judgement - monstrous & unnatural; There is no longer a time to repent.
• Silence: awe & gravitas (Wisdom 18:14-19; Habakkuk 2:20)
• “thunders…quaking”: Awesome majesty and awesome power of God
- Trumpets: four trumpet blasts may be the destructive religious delusions in the world, sent down on those who reject the truth of the Gospel. (1Thessalonians 2:9-12; Acts 7:42)
- 1st Trumpet: ”Hail … fire …blood." (punishment not complete nor final)
• Heresies, deceptions, and delusions (Ezekiel 38:22)
- 2nd Trumpet: ”Sea turned into blood” (punishment still not complete nor final)
• Heretical fanaticism in the world and the rise of false teachers (Jeremiah 51:24-25; Jude 1:10-13)
• A new delusion
- 3rd Trumpet: Wormwood (punishment still not complete nor final)
• Wormwood. A plant with a strong and bitter taste. Poisonous.
• Calamity and sorrow. (Lamentations 3:19)
• False doctrine is poison - spiritual death (Proverbs 5:3-4)
- 4th Trumpet: Sun, Moon, Stars
• Climax of the lie and the delusion the removal of the light of the Word (Amos 8:11; Matthew 13:13-15)
- Eagle’s lament or warning of more yet to come
A graphic picture of the damning nature of false teachings (Ezekiel 33:11).
- The stuff of nightmares
• A world that will not repent.
• Heresies and false doctrines are readily accepted
• Satan is extolled
• Crimes of all kinds are tolerated and even advocate
5th Trumpet: The Key to the Abyss
- Unleashing of a multitude of heresy and false teachings (1Timothy 4:1)
• Reformation era views:
• • Arius and his followers (Arianism)
• • The Pope and his hierarchy
• Modern views:
• • Dr Fauci and his followers (“I am the science”)
• • Critical Race Theory (CRT)
• • Queer Theory and Transgender ideology
• • Environment Social Governance (ESG)
• • Environmentalism
6th Trumpet: Four Angels and their Horses
- #4 - Indicates the created world (four corners of the compass)
- Euphrates - Where nations often arose to afflict Israel for her unfaithfulness
- The mouths of the horses do the killing (Revelation 9:19)
Luther: "The second woe is the sixth angel, the infamous Mohammed with his companions, the Saracens. who with doctrines and with the sword laid great :plagues upon Christendom."
Kretzmann: "It was and is a murderous fanaticism with which the followers of Mohammad wage war, all the abominations of the abyss of hell being employee by them in their attempt to spread their false doctrine"
Lenski: "Delusions of hell overrunning what should be Christian nations. They have brought this killing curse upon themselves”
Two Traditions that have emerge on who is this angel
• Latin fathers (working with the Latin texts): This angel is Jesus Christ.
• Greek fathers (working with the Greek texts): A created angel dressed in Divine glory; No indication John recognises the angel as Christ.”
Rainbow on his head:
• This is a real and true messenger from the true God (Ezekiel 1:26-28)
• NOT a messenger like the pagan goddess Iris
• This messenger represents the God of life who has bound himself with His creation in a covenant. (Genesis 9:8-7)
"Right foot on the sea, …left foot on the land.”
• Symbolical of great power and majesty.
• This message is to be heeded throughout the entire world
Loud voice
• Roaring Lion cannot be ignored; Instills fear and awe
• 7 - The works God alone can do and either does or has done
• Thunder - Awesome majesty and power of God
Eating the little scroll
• Receiving the Word is sweet (Ezekiel 3:1-3; Psalms 119:103)
• Judgement is bitter (Proverbs 10:24, Isaiah 13:11)
• Sent (Ezekiel 3:4-9; Matthew 28:19-20)
“Temple - altar - worshipers” = The Church/God’s property
• Unbelievers will infiltrate and desecrate the visible church
The Two Witnesses; a legal requirement
• Olive trees feed oil to the Lampstands that is light
• The confessing church; Holy Spirt & the church
• The church witnesses to a harden and hostile world
• The testimony will not be silenced
• Unbelievers realize, too late, that Christ is true God and true Lord.
The 7th Trumpet
• Judgment of the unbelievers
• Restoration of creation
The Woman = the church; From the Old Testament church came the Messiah
• The church appears in heavenly splendor
• 1260 days/3.5 years is half of 7; New Testament era + Old Testament era = the whole era of the church
• Missional church - remains for a purpose
• God takes care of His church (1st Article)
• The church holds fast to the Gospel (3rd Article)
• "Wings of a great eagle" - symbol of God's protective care for His people (3rd Article)
The Child = Christ (2nd Article)
• Christ came in the flesh to destroy the works of the devil
• Salvation from the blood of the Lamb
• True lordship
The Dragon = Satan/Devil
• A pretended kingship
• Pursues the church; wars with the church
• Is cast out; Fallen Angels (Demons)
• No longer can make accusations
• Spews out delusions (heresies) at the church but the earth drinks it up
Michael - Spiritual warfare; Ultimate victory in Christ
The Beast from the Sea
• Hostile Governments/State/Civil Authorities
• An Agent of the Dragon
• Moral head wound - Tyrants are replaced by other tyrants
• 7 Heads = Deception - unholy plans
• 10 Horns = Deception - false power
• Diadem = Usurper
• Sea = from chaos
• Leopard = Stalking predator
• Bear = Powerful
• Lion = Impossible to ignore; fear and awe
The Beast from the Earth
• Deceitful/false religions
• A false lamb - appears innocent
• Speaks like the dragon (Satan/Devil)
• Earth = the enemy from within
• Power over the Beast from the Sea
Lex Orandi Lex Credendi
• Worship like the world then you will believe like the world
• Believe like the world then you will worship like the world
Book of Life of the Lamb - By faith our names are in the book of life (Revelation 3:5)
Mark of the Beast
• Rebellion against God (Revelation 7:4)
• Imperfection
• A human number doomed to failure
Mount Zion - the place where God resides with His people
Church Triumphant - the Church in heaven; the church that sings a new song
• Church Militant - the Church on earth
144,000 = the complete Church
Undefiled/Virgins = spiritually pure. the daily application of the God's Word (Revelation 14:4)
Eternal gospel - the unchanging gospel. (What God has done for us and our Salvation)
Baptism marks us as redeemed by Christ
Revelation 14:11 - an unending separation from God not annihilation.
• Annihilationism - The belief that the unrighteous pass out of existence after death not warranted
- The seven seals reveal; the seven trumpets announce; the seven bowls execute
- 7 Beatitudes of Revelation
• Blessed are those who hear for the time is near. (Revelation 1:3)
• Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on. (Revelation 14:13)
• Blessed is the one who stays awake, keeping his garments on, that he may not go about naked and be seen exposed for, I am coming like a thief! (Revelation 16:15)
• Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb. (Revelation 19:9)
• Blessed is the one who shares in the resurrection .(Revelation 20:6)
• Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy words of the prophecy of this book. (Revelation 22:7)
• Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life and they may enter the city by the gates (Revelation 22:14)
-Song of Moses and the Lamb - Celebration of God’s presence and providence
-Universal (willing or unwilling) recognition of God
• Seven plagues - The final series of plagues.
• Clean, Shining Linen with Golden sashes - Carried out by Royal and Holy decree
• Seven bowls - God's wrath poured out completely
• Smoke - The power and glory of God
Bowls - The Holy Spirit, calls us by the gospel, enlightens us with His gifts and keeps in the one true faith. We cannot by our own reason or strength have faith. Therefor no repentance (Revelation 16:9, 11)
1. Harmful and painful sores (Punishment of Torment for sin)
2. Sea blood of a corpse (Judgment of death for sin)
3. Springs of water into blood - (No more living water)
4. Sun allowed to scorch people with fire (The gospel no longer brings salvation)
5. Darkness (removal of Light of the World)
6. Unclean spirits like frogs (A pointless battle - Armageddon)
7. Earthquake (Theophany - a visible manifestation to mankind of God) Hebrews 12:18-24, Exodus 19:18-19
- Contrast salvation with damnation; the victory that is ours in Christ Jesus (the Book of Life)
- Great Prostitute/Whore = the apostate church
• Apostasy - the abandonment or renunciation of a religious or political belief
• Scarlet beast - civil government; Scarlet the opposite of white (righteousness)
• Favors purchased by the scarlet beast
• The golden cup - they choose poorly; The false grail takes life.
• A disposable tool - once used is discarded.
- Reformers saw the “women” as the Roman Catholic Church. Today there is a plethora of apostate churches to choose from.
Babylon = Society/Culture; She is no widow, because she never had a husband. She is a whore, ever surrounded by those who whore with her.
• ESG - Environmental, Social, and Governance - Totalitarian Social Credit Score,
• DEI - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - Applying unequal standard to ensure preferential outcomes for individuals and groups based on Race, Sex and Gender Identity
• Queer Theory - Using the force of Law to shift away from helping individuals to explore their identity to affirming their identity.
Kings = Civil Governments
Merchants = Corporations; all who make a profit of any kind from the whore’s seduction
Six No more statements (No more imperfection)
• 1. No more violence (self-indulgence) Isaiah 24:1-23
• 2. No more music (noisy revelers) Isaiah 24:8; Jeremiah 7:34, Ezekiel 26:13
• 3. No more craftsmanship (working of wonders) Matthew 24:24; 2Thessalonians 2:9
• 4. No more food (commercial gain ) Isaiah 23:8,
• 5. No more light (life) John 1:4,9
• 6. No more marriage (relationships) Jeremiah 25:10; Nahum 3:4
Five Standout Angels; Involved in the church’s mission on earth
• 1. Revelation 5:2 - Invites the Lamb to open the scrolls
• 2. Revelation 10:1 - Commissioning to proclaim the message
• 3. Revelation 18:1 - Announces final judgement
• 4. Revelation 18:21 - Illustration of Judgement
• 5. Revelation 19:17 - Banquet of God
Hallelujah - Praise the Lord
• From the four Corners of the world
• Word used only here in the New Testament
The Bride of the Lamb
• The New Testament Church
• The bride (loyal, clean, relational) the opponent of the whore
• Has a righteousness that is given not earned
• “Marriage supper of the Lamb” - A call to worship; Holy Communion
“Righteous deeds” - the righteousness the saints are clothed, saints who are in a state of righteousness before God because of Christ. Christ’s righteousness. (Revelation 19:8)
The Rider on the White Horse
• Different from four horsemen of the apocalypse
• "Robe dipped in blood" - Blood of Christ shed to atone for sin
• The Word of God = Jesus
• Many crowns - Lord of lords and King of kings (Revelation 17:4)
• Sharp sword = judgement; wielded by God Himself, not an agent
• Iron Rod = God’s Law (no salvation in the Law); Shepherd’s staff separating the sheep from the goats
• Winepress = God’s anger
• Feast of the Birds - The advisories total defeat. No left even to burry the dead
• Lake of fire = Hell, the destination for the unrighteous.
Bonus: 3 Women of Revelation
1. The mother clothed with the sun with the moon under her feat with a crown of 12 stars who gave birth the “male Child” (Revelation 12:1-6, Revelation 13 - 17) [The Old Testament Church]
2. The harlot clothed in purple and scarlet and arrayed in gold and precious stones who sits on the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns (Revelation 17 - 18) [ the antichurch]
3. The Bride clothed in the wedding garment of pure, shining linen (Revelation 19:7-8) [The New Testament Church]
- Angel who hold the Key: Christ (Revelation 1:18) who is different from the one who unlocked the pit (Revelation 9:1-2)
- 1000 Years
• Amillennialism: A symbolic number representing completeness - a fixed time
• The time between Christ Ascension and His 2nd Coming
• All the conditions of the 2nd Advent have been met
- Binding of Satan @ the 1st Advent, like animal on a chain, cannot prevent the preaching of the Gospel if you don’t go to close (2Peter 2:4)
- First Resurrection conversion of the sinner (Ephesians 2:4-6)
- Second Resurrection - Resurrection of the Body of all to face judgement
- 2nd Death - Consequence at Judgement Day (1Corinthians 15:54-55)
- Throne - Power and Rule of God
- Book of Life - Jesus (John 15:5)
• Good Works are only those works done in faith
• Saved by faith alone
- New home for all believers; No Sea = no chaos
- Theophany - a visible manifestation to mankind of God
• Sinai (the mountain) - the only time God spoke directly to the whole assembly without mediators
• Zion (the city) - the place where God resides with His people
• Revelation 21:3 - God united with His people
- Description of eternal bliss are given negative terms because that’s what we know
Salvation the sole work of God
- The unsaved - (the saved are saved by faith in Christ)
• Cowardly: too frightened to believe
• Faithless: rejected Christ.
• Detestable: no righteousness
• Murderers: guilty of sin
• Sexually immoral: the unfaithful
• Sorcerers: reliance on self
• Idolaters: worshipers of false gods
• Liars: promoted heresy
The bride of the Lamb
• The glory of God fills the city
• Cube dimensions - perfection times a 1000
• Walls - projects strength/power and yet there are no more enemies
• Foundation - Christ is the foundation of Faith
• Gates & Sides - the Church with a capital C
Not a dream - the translations don’t explain their capitalization (Revelation 21:10)
• In the Spirit - Transported in the Holy Spirit
• In the spirit - Transported in spirit
• No curse (Revelation 22:3) = restoration of creation (Genesis 3:17-19)
• Healing leaves (Gospel) = restoration of our human nature
• His name on the forehead = Faith the result of Baptism
• A reward of grace not of merit (Faith alone, Grace Alone)
• God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. (John 1:5; John 8:12; 1John 1:5; 1John 2:8)
Revelation 22:17 The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price.
Isaiah 55:1 “Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and he who has no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.

The Seven Letters
- Letter 1 (Ephesus) [Loveless Church]
• Christ is the center and focus of the Church; Scripture is the rule and norm of life
• Beware of false prophets and false religions
- Letter 2 (Smyrna) [Persecuted Church]
• Christ who over came death; Fear not, persecutions are limited by God
• Warning: Remain faithful even under persecution
- Letter 3 (Pergamon) [Compromising Church]
• Christ is alive and active (Hebrews 4:12); Live out your God given faith; Be imitators of the saints
• Warning: Hypocrisy, idolatry, and immorality
- Letter 4 (Thyatira) [Corrupt Church]
• Christ is focused and resilient; Hold fast to faith in Christ
• Warning:
• • Jezebel - An evil manipulator and temptress; false prophet proposing a false faith
• • Stop tolerating unholy things. Only God makes things Holy
- Letter 5 (Sardis) [Dead Church]
• God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, God the Father: Alive and active in our lives
• Seven = Completeness
• Spirits = The Holy Spirit (Isaiah 11:2)
• Works of the Holy Spirit: Creates Faith, Guards Faith, Makes me Holy
• Stars = God alive and active
• Works of God the Father: Creates “stuff”; Provides “stuff”; Guards me
- Grace
• Cheap Grace - Grace that does not change. Grace that we use to justify our sin
• Costly Grace - Costly by the shedding of Christ’s blood. Grace that changes us.
- Faith
• Good works are those done in faith, not in the adherence to rituals (works)
• The righteous comes by faith cloths us; it is a righteousness that comes from Christ; By faith our names are in the book of life
• Take ownership of your God given faith; Live as a child of God
- Letter 6 (Philadelphia) [Faithful Church]
• Jesus is the way; is the truth; is the life (John 14:6)
• Faith is the open door
• The Holy Spirit calls us by the Gospel, enlightens us with His gifts, sanctifies, and keeps us in the true faith (3rd Article)
- Letter 7 (Laodicea) [Lukewarm Church]
• Jesus is the Truth; Is True God, not made (John 1:1-3)
• Hot=faith; Cold=unbelief; Lukewarm is not hot (Matthew 12:30)
• Refine God = genuine faith; white garments = alien righteousness; Eye Salve = Holy Spirit working through the Means of Grace.
• Unbelief shuts the door
• Warning: Worldly treasures does not save
The Seven Beatitudes
- Blessed are those who hear for the time is near. (Revelation 1:3)
- Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on. (Revelation 14:13)
- Blessed is the one who stays awake, keeping his garments on, that he may not go about naked and be seen exposed for, I am coming like a thief! (Revelation 16:15)
- Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb. (Revelation 19:9)
- Blessed is the one who shares in the resurrection .(Revelation 20:6)
- Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy words of the prophecy of this book. (Revelation 22:7)
- Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life and they may enter the city by the gates (Revelation 22:14)
The Seven Seals Reveals
- The 1st Seal: White horse
• Judgment - Tyranny: domination through fear and exploitation
- The 2nd Seal: Red horse
• Judgment - Bloodshed
- The 3rd Seal: Black horse
• Judgment - Famine: economic ruin
- The 4th Seal: Pale horse
• Judgment - Death: illness
- The 5th Seal: The martyrs
• Virtue: patience and trust in God
- The 6th Seal: Earthquake and Darkness
• Judgment: God’s absolute power and majesty
- The 7th Seal: Silence
• Judgment - monstrous & unnatural; There is no longer a time to repent.
The Seven Trumpets Announce
1st Trumpet: ”Hail … fire …blood."
• Heresies, deceptions, and delusions (Ezekiel 38:22)
2nd Trumpet: ”Sea turned into blood”
• Heretical fanaticism in the world and the rise of false teachers (Jeremiah 51:24-25l; Jude 1:10-13)
3rd Trumpet: Wormwood
• False doctrines are poison bring calamity and sorrow (Lamentations 3:19; Proverbs 5:3-4)
4th Trumpet: Sun, Moon, Stars
• Climax of the lie and the delusion the removal of the light of the Word (Amos 8:11; Matthew 13:13-15)
5th Trumpet: The Key to the Abyss
• Unleashing of a multitude of heresy and false teachings (1Timothy 4:1)
6th Trumpet: Four Angels and their Horses
• Punishment of hypocritical “Christians”
The 7th Trumpet
• Judgment of the unbelievers; Restoration of creation
The Seven Bowls Execute
- 1st Harmful and painful sores
• Punishment of torment for sin
- 2nd Sea blood of a corpse
• Judgment of death for sin
- 3rd Springs of water into blood
• No more living water
- 4th Sun allowed to scorch people with fire
• The Gospel no longer brings salvation
- 5th Darkness
• Removal of Light of the World
- 6th Unclean spirits like frogs
• A pointless battle - Armageddon
- 7th Earthquake
• Theophany - a visible manifestation to mankind of God (Hebrews 12:18-24; Exodus 19:18-19)
3 Women of Revelation
1. The mother clothed with the sun with the moon under her feat with a crown of 12 stars who gave birth the “male Child” (Revelation 12:1-6, Revelation 13-17) [The Old Testament Church]
2. The harlot clothed in purple and scarlet and arrayed in gold and precious stones who sits on the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns (Revelation 17 - 18) [ the antichurch]
3. The Bride clothed in the wedding garment of pure, shining linen (Revelation 19:7-8) [The New Testament Church]